Leathercraft Contest
Pendleton Cattle Barons is proud to introduce our Leather Tooling Contest, supporting the Cattle Barons Scholarship Program while celebrating the craftsmanship of Western artisans. Each entry will receive feedback from three different judges to help you refine your skills and showcase your best work.
We invite you to submit your finest tooled leather notepad cover—a functional piece that highlights traditional craftsmanship and originality. Entries will be on display in the arena concourse during the Pendleton Cattle Barons event, allowing you to share your work with the public.
Submission Information
Project: Western tooled leather cover for a 5”x7” notepad
Design & Construction: Open to your creativity, but will be judged on construction and tooling (see criteria below).
Entry Fee: $100 per entry ($50 to scholarship fund, $50 to payout)
Return Shipping Fee: $15 (if unable to pick up in person)
Total Fees: $115 (entry + return shipping)
Payouts: 1 place paid per 5 entries (e.g., 1-5 entries = 1 place, 6-10 entries = 2 places, etc.)
Judging Criteria (10 points per category)
Swivel knife
Tool use & variety
Entry Deadline & Shipping Information
Entries, printed entry forms, along with a check or money order for fees and return shipping ($115 total), must be received on or before Thursday, May 1st, by Noon.
Send entries to:
Joe Meling - Twenty Three Plus
1400 SW Court Ave
Pendleton, OR 97801 -
Entry Form Information: Use the button below to download/print the form
Display & Promotion
Entries will be displayed in the arena concourse (please note, they will be exposed to dust).
You may include business cards with your entry to promote your work to event attendees.
For questions or more information, please contact Joe Meling: melingjoe@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing your craftsmanship on display!